
Why is my life one big chaos all the time?


My question is why is my whole life is one big chaos.

I have no order around me, my house looks like a dump, I have not washed the dishes for a month, I've liabilities of the bailiff, I eat anti-depressive, I'm overweight and have some sort of eating disorder, and I am ashamed of myself. Besides all this, I usually feel good and feel at ease. Can it be possible?

Or have I just resigned myself to being this chaos person I am?

Now I eat medicine, so of course it can do enough good.

I made an inquiry for ADHD after the psychologist that I met, seemed to imagine such moves. I reconciled myself to it and it felt really good, nice to get some answers to questions I wondered.

But it was just that towards the end of the investigation, he says that I probably do not have ADHD. And I fall into a sort of hopelessness, where I continued to blame myself for being worthless person.

What can I do? Some days I do not intend at this. But I carry the heavy weight on my shoulders and I have put in the system to sweep problems under the carpet. I just want to be honest with myself and everyone else.

I'm desperate and need your help now.


Hi Biggan

It sounds like you need help - now. It sounds hard to sort out all that you describe on your own and also now try to get to the bottom of what it has been like this.

What is it in you that makes it gone so far? How it has looked back in time and your life? Is this something new, or do you recognize it long ago? If it is unfamiliar and new - what may have triggered this in you? Has something happened that caused you to lose his grip and foothold in your life?

Go back to the psychologist who did the study, explain your difficult situation and ask for help to get back on your feet again.

Unless the psychologist can help you, ask to be referred to the one that can help you. Such as me here, that can offer you konfendtiell and private consultation, so that you can get a good strukur and order in your life again.

Moreover, it appears that you'd need hands-on help and direct practical assistance with the practical at home. Maybe you have a friend who can help you with the physical clutter in your home, to catch up there?

Do not give up until you have acquired, the help you right now so desperately need.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Author and Writer about Mental Health Training and Life Coach Therapist Mr Chris Savage on my various social media channels here.

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