
I wonder in what order that our various emotions come from, and where our behavior arises from, and where they come from?

Hello life coach

Sometimes it pops up just different feelings in my body, and sometimes I just do impulsive things without really knowing why I do them.

So I wonder in what order that our various emotions come from, and where our behavior arises from, and where they come from and more?

Thanks for all your wonderful response, and good help you are giving us here.

Mrs. Brown

Hi Mrs. Brown

Your thoughts will always be ahead of your feelings, and before your actions!

When a specific feeling has taken hold within you, it must be born again to a new thought in a few minutes to persist!

Your thoughts are communicating in the body by affecting hormones like norepinephrine, dopamine and others

Left and right brain - personality traits and thoughts

Individually we are considered to be controlled by the left and right brain very different, anything that affects our personality and our habitual thought patterns and emotional responses. The different halves of the brain responsible for various personal characteristics that affect your ability to think. There, the left hemisphere is more connected to logic and the right intuition and interpretation:

Left Brain
Logical thinking
critical thinking
Verbal, language
Fact and knowledge-oriented
Linear thinking, shape bound
reality based
Right Brain
Irrational, random
Empathy, positive feedback
Non-time bound
Subjective, irrational
Synthetic (see picture)
Imaginative and philosophical
Holistic and intuitive thinking
picture Vision
Believe and feel
risk taking
Spatial perseption (see Relations)
Figure: Features and functions connected to the left and right brain.

Test: Clockwise & Counterclockwise
Which brain controls you? see the movie from Harald Sun below.

If the figure spinning clockwise as a bell so the likelihood is that you are controlled by the right brain. Spins the figure counterclockwise, it is the left hemisphere that control.

Try to get the figure to spin the other way than that which is natural to you! According to Yale University in the US, only 14% succeed in this!

Test: Fold your hands
Fold your hands and see which thumb you at the top!

Is the left thumb on top so the likelihood is that you are controlled by the right brain when the right brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.

In meditation and deep relaxation so balanced halves of the brain and the right brain is usually when slightly more active then for about 10 minutes after the meditation turn into the more dominant left brain takes over again!

Documents and values

Your values are often the basis for your actions (behaviors). Values are often very emotionally charged! The documents to which you aspire is often your personal values and emotional foundation that base, if it is done consciously or unconsciously more. In all social relations, it is also important to recognize the values that guide us! Often you can be very ignorant of these values while they are very tangible for others! By this ranks your own values and learn to understand other people's values, of love and family relationships, at work, among friends, etc. you can create a greater understanding of why you and others act as they do.

Studies have shown that people who are generous and create good deeds increases both their mental strength and physical ability!

Good actions will strengthen your mental ability and physical stamina!

The values ​​that each person is driven by light most often through. Write down the values ​​that are important to you! Prioritize them from the top down.

Examples of values:
Love, Trust, Understanding, Joy, mutual communication, Community, Sexual attraction, Respect, Development, Challenge, Assistance, Freedom, Power, Beauty, A healthy body, Efori, Honesty, Morality, Transparency, Efficiency, Accuracy, cleverness, Motivation, peace and quiet, Curiosity, Creativity, Moving intellect, Spirituality ...

The interpretation of your and other people's values ​​are often subjective. For example, understanding the word to mean different things for you and your partner! Clarify why your own values ​​by talking and describe it in words and feelings.

For successful relationships so you should have common values ​​that are a high priority to succeed best, is especially in love relationships. By gaining insight into how your values ​​guide you, you can also increase the understanding of other people's behavior and learn to adapt to different situations and people in a better way, ie use of more EQ - emotional intelligence. You should strive to understand the values ​​that are important to you and see if they exactly matches your actions! When you shop on your important values, so are you really doing violence to yourself, which is not good! So be observant of how well your actions consistent with your values ​​and change your behavior gradually if it does not.

In the next week, and section I will go through. How your actions (behaviors) will be reflected in your personal values!

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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