
What they depend on, and how do they affect us as individuals and human beings, and can we choose to change how optimistic and pessimistic we are?

Hi coach

Some of my friends are very optimistic, and other friends are extremely pessimistic

What they depend on, and how do they affect us as individuals and human beings?

Is there something we can choose to change how optimistic and pessimistic we are?

With greeting


Hi Benet

By paying attention to your emotional state can actually affect how optimistic and pessimistic you are, and want to be.

Studies have actually shown that optimists are generally more health benefits compared to pessimists: improved immune function, improved recovery from illness, stable cardiovascular system can handle external stress better, better sleep, less depression, more stable and happier relationships, experience more and have greater contentment , have a better social safety net, live healthier and healthier, and live probably even longer ...

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty", quote from Winston Churchill.

All we consist of positive and negative parts of our personal qualities, thoughts, feelings and behaviors, but also by our environment and the social relationships we work and live in. Everything is going to change for the better in that you become aware of your own deficiencies and decide that you want to change:

Pessimism, negativism gives you:

  • Negative thoughts, feelings and actions
  • Poor self-esteem and confidence
  • Brooding, Terrace, inadequacy, feels worthless ...
  • Living in the past
  • Anxiety, fear, inability to cope with difficulties ...
  • Gloom, despair, hopelessness, sadness, depression, inertia, strong feelings of guilt, sadness, sarcasm ...
  • Critical, hateful, cynical, unhelpful, selfishness, excessive jealousy ...
  • Passivity, sedentary, inaction, unwillingness to change, stagnation, a lapse, poor structure, lack of interest, to please you against your will ...
  • Futility, mistrust, short of the ideal, of identity ...
  • Loneliness, bad relationships, unsociable ...
  • Depression, anxiety, phobias, prolonged grief ...
  • Poor sleep, stress, lack of exercise, poor diet ...
  • Poor posture, negative body language, negative appearance, negative tone ...
  • Poor general health, illness, low energy ...
  • Monotonous work, unemployment, boredom ...
  • Bad economy
Optimism, positivism gives you:

  • Positive thoughts, feelings and actions
  • Good self-esteem and confidence
  • Reconciliation, forgiveness, joy of life, happiness, freedom ...
  • Living in the present
  • Courage, do not be afraid to fail, withstand adversity, can see their weaknesses, learn from their mistakes
  • Gratitude, contentment, optimism, spontaneity, humor, joy, laughter ...
  • Confidence, interest, show appreciation, fair, helpful, kindness, loving, alltruistisk ...
  • To act, will, motivation, efficiency, accountability, goal, activity, structure of everyday life, openness to change, personal interests, hobbies, knowledge, creativity, curiosity, flow ...
  • Meaning, faith, morality, aesthetics, ethics, culture, religion, spirituality ...
  • Community, love, good marriage, family, children, friendship, good relations, social skills ...
  • Able to process difficult events and find ways to move forward, CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy ...
  • Good sleep, relaxation, relaxation, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, recovery, exercise, physical exercise, walking, spending time in nature, good food and nutrition ...
  • Straight posture, positive body language, positive countenance, positive tone of voice ...
  • Well-being, a healthy and sound body, health and beauty, high energy ...
  • Developing work, good work, fulfillment ...
  • Good economy

Figure: Personal qualities, acts, environment, relationships etc. and its impact on optimism and pessimism.

Note: By deliberately choosing a more optimistic way of life, you can change your personality and your social situation in the long run!

So the question is really as simple: Do YOU want a good or bad life? Start thinking and behave positively or negatively, and you get surely that which you have earned.

Next week her will I talk about how "Properties expressing concern for others shows that you have chosen to live a life that is bigger than yourself!" will affect you positively in your life.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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