
Why are so many people alone and feel lonely today I wonder?

Hello life coach

I have a question that you probably can answer.

Why are so many people alone and feel lonely today?

Thank you for your response to my question in advance!



Hi Dolly

"New solitude" call it sometimes, when in the media and debate forums to discuss how socially passive technological progress has made us.

We Facebooking, tweeting, emailing and texting instead of meeting face to face.

We content ourselves with friendship served to display call dinnerware, perhaps because we think it's either this, or not to be "seen" at all?

The explanation for our so-called nyensamhet is that we are moving more than ever.

Women on average are expected to make it twelve times in their lifetime, according to statistics from Statistics Sweden. An average man has time because of their shorter life "only" eleven.

When our friends move

But even that which is his hometown faithful life can experience the social life suddenly go from summer to autumn, when the friends move or grow out of one the other way.

Christian explains that after ten years in Stockholm moved back to his hometown and thought that the friends would probably not be a big deal. He had been so easy to make friends before. He was not an oddball. Additionally lived there surely remain friends from the past ...

But it would appear that the vast majority had moved away from their home, just like him, and at first he tried therefore to keep alive the friendships he had made in Stockholm.

- But they disintegrated in just a few months when not that natural touch was there anymore. It's really scary so fast it went, he says.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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