
What do I do when and if my parents are over-active on various social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, etc?

Hello life coach

I am a girl who is the center of my life, and now has a mother who is overactive in social media. In the beginning, I experienced it as funny that my mom found new ways to communicate with family and friends but it has totally derailed. She always phone currently picking diligently with it even when we have coffee and socialize. It's almost like she was competing to "like" the most.

We have always had a close relationship and have been able to share life's joys and sorrows. Mom has always respected my privacy and never intruded on my friends and colleagues - until she became active in social media. Now it's like that all latches released. She is everything I write, commenting on whatever topic and "like" everything I post. Often the mother in such a hurry to comment that she did not even read what it is about, this leads to strange comments and posts that are not relevant and that create tense atmosphere. It should be added that the mother can not really read the nuances of the language and ironic undertones. It often become just embarrassing.

I myself am not super active but would like to write more. I love to debate and discuss with my friends. Now I draw me to write because I know that it only takes a minute before mother "liked" or commented on.

My friends and other family has begun noticed this and it happens that when I write something or share a picture, wondering how long it will take this time before mamsen go.

On a few occasions I have tried to talk to my mom about this, but she does not seem to understand my waves. I really do not have to block her because I know how hurt she would be. It feels like this prevent me in my own life, I feel hunted.

We have discussed this at home but we do not know how to handle it. Mom has begun to follow my husband with almost the same frenzy. I myself have children in adulthood, active in social media. I commented only that dirrekt move our family, me or at such birthdays.

It has always been important to my kids have their own space, I penetrate me, but is there anyway. It's important to talk about, we face to face and not via social media. They have the right to discuss things with their friends, but I put myself in, the right to privacy. It has also, but I do not know how I'm going to get my mother to understand it?

With kind regards and many thanks in advance for your life coach.


Hi Elisabeth

Your sense is that you are being chased by your mother. You feel that she indiscriminately follow you on social media and that she remotely loose folds of your life.

I read that you have tried to give your mother hints that you do not like this - but you have spoken to her and really explained how it is? That is to say that you strongly dislike and feel uncomfortable that she follows you and your spouse as she does?

She is over involved in your life and it becomes like an invasion to you / you. Your mother will be boundless and it feels uncomfortable for you.

The reasons that she is doing so this can be many. She is alone and she fills her life with interfering in your life and thus fill an emptiness? She feels outside contexts and through social media found a platform in which she perceives to be with and listen to? Has she become as absorbed and addicted to constantly be up to date with?

You have a close relationship, type, and therefore she might not understand that she crossed the border for what you feel comfortable with? She may feel that your close relationship just continues onto social media in place.

The best way to get this to end is to talk to your mom and tell you exactly how it feels to you and ask her to leave you in peace on social media.

You'll probably spend some time to explain to her exactly how you feel and why it's inconvenient for you. The clearer you are, the greater the opportunity for you to be alone.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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