
How do I stop wondering and dwelling on all my different concerns and problems that I have, and I am now constantly worry and think about?

Hello life coach

I am an expert in brood over and dwell on different things that kind.

I would have chosen the other pants? Did she think I seemed stupid for saying that? Head cheered on me this morning, I get fired now?

Do you have any good tips on how you can and I will end up with this?


Hi Lira

The living brooding may seem quite innocent but research shows that it can bring with it a whole pile boring side effects. The negative feelings that create turmoil is likely to deepen and last longer when they are constantly reinforced by tanks, says psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky, who for many years conducted research on self-focused brooding. Both the ability and motivation to solve problems instead of just thinking about them liable to deteriorate and it becomes difficult to concentrate.

But with the right tools and a little practice you can learn to clear away the worry and rumination out of your mind river. It will give you more power and energy, stronger belief in yourself and a better well-being!

Here are 15 tips on how you can end up having to brood and dwell on and worry:

1. If you are brooding over things you can not do anything about - use the rubber band trick. Put a rubber band around your wrist and pull to release it and every time you think the meaningless thoughts. That way you will both reminded not to do it and you notice how often you do it that does not really do any good so you can stop it.

2. Release the things you can not change or influence. Concentrate on what you can change or influence.

3. How good or bad a situation is now, it will change. Thats how it is.

4. Stop caring so much about how you feel. How do you feel the way you feel. It will soon pass. What you think is what you are thinking. It will soon disappear too. Tell yourself that whatever you feel, that you feel and what you're thinking, that you think. Since you can not stop yourself from thinking and feeling so there is no point to care about that stuff. It's just what you do that you can control. Continue to do good things.

5. Force yourself to stop worrying. Concerns only makes things worse. The more you think about something bad, the more likely it is to happen. Once you are set to find the first sign of trouble, you will very soon find something that is related to what you are worried about.

6. Get quiet on the commentator in the head. If you want to be happy, stop say to yourself that you are unhappy. People are constantly talking about for themselves how they feel, what they think and what others think of them. Most of it is pure imagination, and the rest is equally lies and misunderstandings. You really understand just a little of what others think about you and they do not think of you as much as you think. They think about what others think about them.

7. Note your inner critic. Judging yourself is pointless. Whatever you do, someone else will do it better. How bad you are, there are always those who are worse off. Compete against yourself and was the best you can be.

8. Drop the debt, you know. The reason is simple: Debt does not change anything at all. It makes you feel responsible, but produces nothing new in your life. If you feel guilty for something you did, correct it or accept that you screwed up and do not do it again. Then release it. If you feel guilty for something that someone else has done, seek help.

9. Do not drink alcohol when you are angry, sad or have to rush off. Take a brisk walk or a jog instead.

10. Stop worry about what other people say about you. Wicked people can not make you angry. Nice people can not make you happy. Events and people are just events and people.They can not make you anything. You must do this yourself. What emotions than the one brought up by outside events, they are powerless to picking them up and decide what they do with you. In addition, other people much more concerned to think about what you think about them than to think of you.

11. Stop doing immoral things just because you can do them. Start by being honest with yourself and others. Do not cheat, be faithful, be kind. Do the right thing. It gives you a lot less complicated life.

12. Stop complaining and worry. Begin to focus on the things you can control and do something about them. Those who complain most in this world are those that provide the least. And when you worry, you use your imagination to create things you do not want.

13. Do not be so dramatic. Spend less time gossiping about problems and more time to help yourself and others to solve them. Stay away from other people over dramatization and not create their own similar situations.

14. Do not blame others. Take responsibility for what happens in your life. Blaming others provide exactly zero results and extends only your suffering. Whether you own your problems or they own you. It's your choice. When you blame others for what you are going through so you deny your responsibility and give up the power over your own life. Have you thought about that?

15. Do not lie to yourself. You can lie to anyone in the world before you are lying to yourself. Our life can only get better when we take chances and the first and most important opportunity is to be honest with himself.

Something to think about - and for you to work with to get a good life.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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