
What do I do when my partner's children will do anything to break our relationship, and my partner did not dare grab it and set clear boundaries?

Hi coach

We had thought about moving up a day when the youngest children is approaching to fly, but I see now that dream is about to be dashed for good.

My partner has received much help from social service while his daughter itself is very inveighs even suspicious of all forms of assistance and support. In addition to having lost their mother, we suspect that she has a neuropsychiatric disabilities. I'm bitter that my partner and his ex did not start an investigation before it started going bad since the early sensed that it was not right.

Since her daughter is now a teenager and do not want myself, so there's not much the community can do more to support my partner.

So last summer, when it calmed down a little bit with her daughter. So we tried to get a week's vacation with the youngest. Partners daughter and her boyfriend had to take care of themselves and had to choose accommodation first. It was not good anyway. She stole things and screaming whore and pussy for me and the girls when she got mad at me.

We let much of it caused. But I became more and more protective. Social Services and my partner have been trying to sort out the matter with her, but it is not. She erupts and then renounce my partner.

I find it very difficult to meet her after these events. At the same time, I must in this situation prioritize my own daughter. Any excuse does not seem possible.

I find it difficult both to understand and accept that my partner's daughter hurt people who just want her well. I will not go further in this deep disappointment, even though I was an adult know that it is really sorry for her, that her world is chaotic, that she had been betrayed by someone she should be able to rely on and that she was not feeling well.

And she probably has a disability that makes her really do not understand how she offends other people.

But it is difficult for me and my partner says that her daughter should be considered as a small child who can not be held responsible for their actions, and that this is her problem. I ask him why my partner does not enter as a full parent of a small child, and apologize for, and puts right any chaotic situations she creates and the people she hurt or harm? Why is he not her guardian angel, Samaritan and the go-between?

I feel aggrieved that many years of friendly and Booyah contact and helpful from my and my daughter's not worth anything. The long bond and relationship is irrelevant.

I am very frustrated that we can not all sit down with professional help and try the snail steps to resolve this, so that I can stay in the same room with her without feeling uncomfortable.

This bothered us on every time I bring up the issue. He was silent and think that I dwell on, and I though I know about all social contacts do not understand what his daughter can handle and not handle.

I try to imagine myself in if it was I who found myself in the situation of partners. It must be terrible. At the same time, I think I had solved the situation is different to try to prevent that it goes so far.

It takes me to see his resignation and get the answer from him that "it is as it is" and "we'll see." To my solutions are naive and his daughter's mood and behavior is at a level that I can not grasp the my intellect.

Yes, you will understand what this is soup. All these strains will allow our love relationship, unfortunately, is about to fall apart even though we enjoy each other's company.

How should I do to not "rehashing" this problem may never be less? Should I give this up once and for all? Should I notify us to partner therapy despite his periods are busy with school and social services?

I look forward to all of your very wise advice regarding this!


Hello My

Thank you for your detailed email that well describes the situation you are in. It is painful and difficult situations you describe. Complicated circumstances that are around you, the partner and the kids do that you need to be clear-sightedness and not to be drawn into codependency where they lose themselves and their own needs.

Your partner's way of functioning is highly dysfunctional. It is of course impossible to know or maybe even speculate as to why his kids have it so hard to find a working life, but probably plays your partner's way of functioning as a father big role. To the mother, nor is a working parent do, of course, everything is much more difficult, too.

You now need to step straight out what is happening and take care of you and your family. You should never expose yourself and your family for what happened in the cottage. It does not matter how it was and what causes what you describe - Do you not recognize the risk.

It is important that you set limits for your family. Your partner can not limit-setting for fear of conflict, you write. Then do what you yourself believe in - namely set limits for you. It's enough. You can not do more. There is absolutely nothing you can do more than anything you have already done. The willingness has to come from your partner.

He will not alter until he experiences a deep motivation for it, and so has not yet taken place despite your relationship which he can reasonably afraid of.

However, it sounds like he is incapable, weak or can protect your relationship if it means he has to set limits for their children.

My advice to you is very clear: Get out medberoendet and do it now. Drop thoughts on partner therapy. What you can do is possibly going to therapy yourself and be free from medberoendet to the partner and his family.

Maybe it's time to make a break in the relationship with your partner and see how it feels to avoid all these problems that are on your partner's side? A pause may need to be several months long to take effect. It would mean that both of you got perspective on the situation and got the feel for how you actually feel for each other.

I would recommend that you read a book about the phenomenon of codependency.

Any luck on the way to your freedom from codependency!

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


Photo exhibition: #EverydayTravel

Photo exhibition:#EverydayTravel by photographer Mr Chris Savage via Instagram


I got and have very bad relationship with one of my parents and what can and should I do about it?

Hello to you, I have a question for you coach!

I have nearly nine years of a very bad relationship with my mother. When I was growing up and up until I graduated, we were very close and could talk about everything. But then I started seeing a guy that she did not like the hell has broken out. She fought and screamed at me every time we met that I had to leave him or never talk to my family. The rest of the family had no problem with him and meet him anyway.

She spread rumors about me and my boyfriend
I loved my boyfriend very much and really thought she was wrong about him. She changed and had opinions about everything and everyone, spread rumors about me and my boyfriend on the town and she was impossible to talk to. This led to my mom and dad divorced. My boyfriend and I were together for several years and is still very close friends. The problem is that this remains so deep, I still dare hardly call her, shooting at it for weeks and are so stressed when the time comes. She still says the same things about my ex-boyfriend and my life in general. Everything I do is wrong, every move I make is wrong and I ask for advice, she should definitely first explain why I have been so wrong before she tells us what to do in her way.

So here it well actually always been since I was little, I've never been able to get any praise or constructive criticism. For example, when I was little and had drawn something I was very proud of could the first thing she said to be "one eye is smaller than the other," or "you must learn to do it on this way, She has never said anything positive. Which got me to stop asking her for her advice or demonstrate something I'm proud of. She has such high demands on me, I'll be together with Sweden / the world's richest men, just stay in the finest neighborhoods. And she always mentions "it makes my friends' daughters."

She can not understand that I do not have such demands on my life, I have worked for me and get money so I can do what i have to do and have a ordinary middle-class life, and she can not understand it! She herself has been working parents and ordinary middel-class. The same applies to my brother and she has said several times that she was ashamed to have us as children. I do not know where I should go, I just want to live my life my way, but it takes so much effort to always try to see the good in her eyes .. What should I do? Take a break from her? Discuss can i not becourse it is so perplexed.

Thanks for you advice in advance.

Hi Josefin

You live in an impossibility if you'll try to make your mom to please. You describe how, ever since you were little, was quite impossible to be like your mother wanted you to be. She has needed and needs your child something to show, and she will get its worth by. As for your success or lack of success says something about herself. Is it good for you, according to her values, it means for her that she is also successful in the way that believes that a successful person. Is it in her eyes bad for you, she feels bad and lets his disappointment out on you and your brother.

She has high expectations of you / you'll make her life good so she can feel like "someone". When you do not do what she wants, she can not feel successful. Her expectations then transform and become disappointing that expresses itself in anger, disparaging behavior, ridicule and reducing of everything you do and are. You can not ever make your mother happy. It is only she who can create their luck - everything else is borrowed feathers. All you can do to live your life. Not more. Your mother tries to get hold of your and your brother's life too, so that she has access to more and more opportunities to make it as she wants. She has not even succeeded create the life she wanted, so she tries to get it through your children.

Once you see through this as I describe it is obvious that you need a remote for your mother. You need space and time to create you your life according to your values ​​in peace and without your mother's transparency and thus disparaging criticism. You have tried to talk to your mother but it has not been possible to reach her. It can be very painful to realize that a parent does not have the capacity to be just a parent and be safe, loving and stable for a child. It is not uncommon throughout the life of the child's desire for a good mother / father instead of the non-functioning parant in reality had. I think you have to give up the little girl's beliefs and yearning for a kind and good mother. She will not be, but you can best take care of the little girl in you, and who were once was small in reality and that was sad and disappointed your mother.

Giving you the opportunity to take a break from your mother. You can in a short letter explaining that you do not want to have contact in a while you need to walk to her. Further, you do not say. Spare yourself from attack and let you get peace and quiet to build up your life far away from the mother's values ​​and reviews.

Good luck to you and your new life Josefin

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


How do I change my push-up and (prokrastinera) launch behavior, end will having stop to postpone everything in my life until the last minute, or until it is too late to do it?

Hello life coach

I have big problems with that I will never started with things, and I shoot up almost everything until the last second, or even sometimes until it is too late to have time to manage to make it clear at the right time.

Do you have any good tips on what to do to end up having to postpone everything, and how I can overcome my problem by shooting up everything in my life?

And I look forward to your response, and a huge thanks in advance for your answer to my question here.


Hi Dave

Do not let your push-up (prokrastinera) behavior take over your life. Here are 11 points to help you to action:

1. Break down your work into small pieces.

One reason why we push things ahead of us is that we think that the task is huge and overwhelming. Break down what you want to get done in small pieces and carry each part separately. Is the task too big still, break it down again until you get a job that is so small and light that you feel joy and simplicity to the task. Once that task is complete, proceed to the next little simple task and so on.

2. Change your environment.

You associate your home with rest and relaxation? Then it might not be where you should dedicate yourself to work. Try other environments and evaluate your performance. Maybe you get the most done in an office, a coffee shop, at the library or elsewhere.

3. Set up a detailed timetable with specific deadlines.

To just have a deadline for your overall task is to welcome your uppskjutarbeteende. It makes you feel that you have plenty of time until the day you realize that you do not have the time you need longer to reach your deadline. The solution is simple, break down your overall goal into many small goals with individual specific deadlines. Have monthly deadlines, weekly deadlines and time deadlines.

4. Identify and remove your links to postpone behaviour.

You know with you that you have a tendency to sit at this or other pages, for long periods so disable reminders, automatic updates etc for not attracting and delete bookmarks to avoid distraction.

5. Spend time with people who inspire you to action.

The people you hang out with are also the ones that affect you most. Identify who you look up to, among your friends or others and spend more time with them. What qualities do you look up to? Connect with people you look up to, even if they are not in your immediate vicinity. Over time you will become like them.

6. Get a supporter.

To have someone close to you know well that may remind you of your goals and tasks while you remind hen on its objectives and tasks can help a lot for you to grab it.

7. Tell others about your goals.

Based on the same reasoning as above. Tell others what you want to achieve so that others ask you when you seen on the status, how it goes and so on. It helps you move forward.

8. Find someone you know perform what you want to achieve.

To see someone who succeeded in what you want to succeed is the best motivation to action you can get.

9. Review and edit your goals.

Was it a long time ago, you looked over your goals? Do not know if you work toward your goals anymore or what the goals are? Perhaps your postpone behaviour made you forget what goals you have in your life and where you are going. Then go away on holiday, collect yourself and think about your goals again and get a new timetable in place.

10. Complicating not your goals.

Do not wait for the perfect moment when everything's right, it will never come. Perfection is one of the main reasons postpone behaviour.

11. Take hold of it and begin.

Finally, it's about action. You can plan, strategize, break down tasks, etc., but is not nothing will happen.

A final recommendation is to visit stickk.com where you can define the goals you want to achieve, to put economic incentives and involve friends who pepper and motivates you to action.

Good luck Dave to change your push-up and launch behavior.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


Coach have any good tips on how I should do and can train to become better at getting the focus, and be able to concentrate on what I must and should do?

Hi coach

I have a question which concerns that I have and find it difficult to focus and concentrate on the various things that I must and will do.

My mind wanders very easily set off on everything else, especially when I should do something.

Do you have any good tips on how I should do and can train to become better at getting the focus, and be able to concentrate on what I must and should do?

Best regards

Hi Irina

An effective way to train the focus is to make a meditation where you focus on one thing, for example, their breathing, and constantly raise the focus back there.

Do you think that meditation is not for you? Maybe because you can not "stop thinking" or easily become restless? It's a bit like saying that push ups does not suit you, because you get tired in the arms of them. It's part of the training, and it is the training that is the goal! The goal is not perfection, there is no good or bad, right or wrong. Just drop all judgment and see everything that happens as part of the training.

A focus-training meditation can go to something like this:
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Relax.
  • You probably pulled off by a thought. It might take a while before you notice it. But suddenly you discover that - oh, a thought! Accept it. It is completely okay. Release thought and focus back to the breath.
  • You've done a mental push-ups!
  • Continue to focus on your breathing.
  • After a while, you may be restless. Discover it. "Now I became restless!" Accept it, let go of it and focus back to the breath.
  • Congratulations, you have now made two push-ups!
  • In the beginning it may be enough with a few minutes of exercise, then increase to 10 or 20 minutes. Do you get frustrated, you have probably entered a right / wrong / should-think. Discover it, accept it and release it. Over time, the pause between thoughts becomes longer and longer, and the training gives then also rest to the brain.

What you have to gain a strong focus muscle include:
  • You can perform well, and find peace, even when you are stressed or nervous.
  • You can make your job even when there is noise in the background.
  • You can focus on what you want to focus on, which makes it easier to learn new things, work efficiently with a task, keep a good presentation or just be fully present and enjoy the moment.

Good luck with your training!

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


Wisdom words and quotes of: Being able to lead others is an art form. But to direct and control yourself is to make a life miracle.

Wisdom and quotes: Being able to lead others is an art form.
But to direct and control yourself is to make a life miracle.
By Mr Chris Savage
Wisdom words and quotes of:

Being able to lead others is an art form. But to direct and control yourself is to make a life miracle.

By author / writer Mr Chris Savage


How do I optimize my brain to be more efficient as well as I do the right priorities at work and in my life?

Hello life coach

I find it hard to find time to do everything on my job and in my private life, and I find it very difficult to focus on what is most important and get it done.

Do you have any good tips on how I should deal with this about my work and in my private life.

Thanks in advance for your help and your good advice here to me.


Hi Oscar

Here you have 5 tips on optimizing your brain, and I hope that they can help you to deal with your worries and problems that you have described to me in your email to me here above.

During a working day, we lose a lot of brain power by doing things in the wrong order, semi pause and be interrupted. By adapting the work a little more for the brain, we can both get more energy, perform better and have more fun!

1. Put first things first
It is far too easy to grasp the simple, quick tasks first, and shoot at the more demanding tasks. They then form and takes the energy in the background and could never be made. If we start the day having to cope with an important task, we quickly started the reward system in the brain and get an energy boost.

2. Customize the information for your energy curve
When the day you tend to be most alert and most clear head? For most of us it is in the morning or noon. Plan your demanding tasks when you are most alert and the easier tasks when you tend to be more tired. It sounds obvious, but there are surprisingly many who devote their most alert hours spent reading emails and weed out spam!

3. Focus fully
How long is your brain trained to stay focused? If you get interrupted constantly get a restless mind who is accustomed to constantly changing focus. And every time you move the focus it takes energy from the brain and allows it to become both more tired and underperforming. Try to give yourself the opportunity to focus fully on one task at any time during the day. Do you work in a noisy environment, see if you can plan time to work in a quiet room, wear earmuffs / headphones, to work in another place sometimes, or go a idépromenad.

4. Remove smart breaks
Are you beginning to underperform, difficulty concentrating or begin lethargic surf? When your brain is probably in need of a break. These semi pauses risks drag on without the brain actually becomes more alert. Whole pause instead! The most efficient breaks you get if the brain does not need to take any new information at all. It is also good to get some movement, which gives new oxygen to the brain. Take a walk, dance on job-toilet, juggling, draw or make a short meditation. It gives the brain fast recovery.

5. Enable the reward system
The brain's reward system is started when we check off a task, learn something new, get an exciting challenge and has just enough tough goal to strive for. Write your to-do lists so that they start the reward system instead of the stress system. Tex by dividing large tasks into smaller parts and looking at the daily goal, reward and own challenges.

Good luck and hope you get the order of your priorities in your life.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.