
How do you build and get loyalty and trust to other people?

Hi Coach

I have a friend. As has been very difficult to trust someone else, and it creates a lot of problems for my friend.

As for exemple. My friend have been very difficult to find and get some new friends, and therefore living my friend a depressed and very lonely life.

How do you build and get loyalty and trust back to other people?

Thank you for your help in advance, and an absolutely fantastic question and answer site you have here.


Hi Mira

The putty in every relationship and lubricant in all communication is trust. When we have confidence in anyone, we take in and listen but we also open up and share. The times reliance shortcomings, we feel how we pull ourselves together and back. Both body and soul.

Trust does not come by itself. It needs to be built and run. In the beginning, the frail but if we behave in the right way it can grow so strong that it can withstand a lot of hard knocks.

Here are my top 10 tips on how to create and maintain the loyalty and trust.

1. Be present
We all want to be seen and noticed, and the showing us the respect lost our trust. Being present means that you are available and receptive to someone else in time, space and mind. Listen, feel in and open up.

2. Keep your promises
When you stand by your words you will be reliable. You become a person to be reckoned with. Suspicion and doubt when you repeatedly fail your promises. It does not matter how acceptable you think they are.

3. If you have to betray a promise to talk about it as soon as possible
Although we intend to keep a promise, life can get in the way. Factors that we can not influence could thwart our plans and calculations. If you're gonna have to break your promise let your counterpart know about it as soon as possible.

4. Say sorry when you made the wrong
We all make mistakes and treading in autoclaves. When you are concerned that confidence is restored ask you to apologize for the incident and offer to repair or compensate for the damage suffered.

5. Be honest, but not brutally frank
When you say what you mean and mean what you say you are perceived as honest and trustworthy. But if you constantly tell your truths to others without consideration and respect, you are so brutal in your sincerity that it creates distance and discomfort rather than closeness and trust.

6. Be loyal
It is said in confidence to stay between four ears. What about the personal and private should only be told by the person it affects. How harmless you may judge it. Another form of disloyalty are talking about someone rather than to the person in question. Therefore say never anything about anyone that you can not stand for when you meet on-one.

7. Take the bull by the horns
If you grab things and not ducking discomfort and conflicts win ambient confidence. Others can trust that you are a person put your own comfort aside when necessary. Daring to highlight what is doubtful, and what you think is wrong is not only courageous, but also an action that builds trust.

8. Be yourself
Being yourself requires that you know yourself so well that you do not need to hide something for yourself. When you know who you are, it becomes much easier to be the same no matter what role you hold or what stage you are at. You can choose what you want to highlight and illuminate but the core remains the same. This way you will be credible.

9. Be consistent
When you behave in the same way over and over again, you are predictable, which provides security for your environment. And when you do that you said you will be clear and consistent, because your words match your actions. Your surroundings can trust that you mean what you say.

10. Rely on the second
Trust is a palindrome. The word is the same forwards as backwards. If you want to build trust, you must also give trust. You need to let go and give responsibility. You need to begin to trust others but also that things will work out for the best. Although you can not control. That trust is not the same as to know for sure. Trusting means that you believe. Although you do not know.

I hope your friend manages to build up and get back trust and loyalty to other people again, and that's even if your friend has become considerably burnt earlier on and in different friendships.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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