
My friendly Christmas and New Year greetings to all of you from Mr. Chris Savage as your life coach, author, photographer and artist

My friendly Christmas and New Year greetings to all of you from Mr. Chris Savage
as your life coach, author, photographer and artist 

I wish all my loyal readers and followers here, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And it is possible to write to me here during Christmas and New Year, and I'm back here again with new updates for you in January again.

My friendly Christmas and New Year greetings to all of you.

Mr. Chris Savage
Your life coach, author, photographer and artist

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


Where go the limit for when I being manipulated and exploited by any person or my friends?

Hello life coach

I have questions about an issue.

When and how do I know that a friend just uses me, and this is to only pull their own benefit of our close friendship?

I have a friend that I always stand by and help with a lot of different things, and I never requiring anything in return.

Often give up and shoot up my own things that I would have done, and for that I instead choose to stand up for my friend who asks for help.

Those few times I ask for something. So says my friend often that this is busy with some other important things and, therefore, can not help me.

My friend also says that one should and can not expect and demand nothing in return. And of those you really love and are even really near and dear friends. Is it really good and close and good friends, so require or expect you never to get anything back from them, and think you like this, you can never be disappointed with your friends, says my friend.

Is my friend right in what is said, or is it just a way to manipulate me, and to be able to use me to all possible things?

Thanks in advance for your help and your response


Hi Christi

It is not always easy to tell if a friend using you or if the person is a true friend. However, there are certain situations or characteristics that affect how they relate to you is very special and that makes it easy to see through a negative friendship or when someone approaches with false intentions.

But here you have 4 different things that you can even transfer and check if your friend manipulates and exploits you.

They hear only when they need something

This is the basic property at a false or self-serving friendships; your friend hears only himself when he needs something from you. It can be very simple things; which lend a book or bussing person somewhere, but also more complicated situations, like t. ex. lend money.

To help your friends is a sign of love and care, but if you begin to notice that a person just come to you to ask for things, it may be time to put a limit or put an end to the situation.

They go out with friends without inviting you

It is quite natural to want to be our friends get to know each other and socialize on-one. But if someone who recently became a part of your circle of friends begins to go out with your friends without inviting you, and virtually hide this, it can be a warning sign.

It is important to be objective about this situation arises because it is sometimes easy to feel a bit threatened or jealous without any real basis. That is why it is recommended to analyze the situation very well before you take away from the person.

They use your personal information for their own benefit

Some false friends approaching you with the sole purpose of getting information about you that can be used to their advantage. Although this situation may be very obvious, you may still not take it all seriously.

This can manifest itself in many different kinds of situations, so you should be alert. It may be that the friend is trying to use your contact details for a job or to get benefits under your name. You can get involved in misunderstandings or serious problems with your contacts without having any idea what was happening.

You constantly get slammed

A true friendship is sincere and not self-serving, but at times we need our friends' help. It may be that you need someone to listen, a service, or that they help you in certain situations. If you notice that your friend always refuses to help you, it is probably not a very sincere friendship.

This point is closely related to the first point, then it is very common in false friendship that the person always asks you for help or trying to take advantage of you, but disappear when you need something.

Far from all the people we meet in our lives has the intention to exploit us or bring us harm, but it is important to be alert to avoid being exploited by those who have such intentions.

But if any seats in all four criteria above. You should immediately dispose of those friends, and completely get rid of them from your life. For they are no friends, only people who manipulate and exploit you because you are good and kind person.

And if someone shows signs of any of those four criteria above. Will you be observant and vigilant about this person. For it is a sure sign. That this is a man who would take a lot more than it really wants to give back to you as a friend.

I hope my answer is helpful to you, and that they address themselves to you, which precise friends you should keep or not in your life.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


How can I deal with and overcome my problematic thoughts and behaviors?

Hi Coach

How does my personal actions and behaviors and thoughts of me anyway? And how they affect those other people in my environment?

On how do I deal with my various problematic thoughts and behaviors?



Hi Richard

Your actions and behaviors reflect your values!

Your personal values, your own interpretation prevail, with memories, thoughts and feelings, logical intellect, your subconscious experiences! are several key components that affect how you act in different situations. What you perceive as an absolute truth / reality probably does not think others perceive it the same way!

Your values are not static but may change depending on where you are in life. You can consciously change and prioritize among your values if you want to put more focus on values other!

Change of thinking

Becoming aware of how you think, when you think and why you think is important, it creates self-awareness. But it is also essential if you want to start a process of change for better mental and physical health:

Actively controlled thinking

You can choose to have a conscious active will-driven thinking, where you simply decide what you want to think in different situations. You can reprogram your thought patterns in various situations by thinking more constructive, more positive and think of self-esteem. You can then use the Visualization and mental training.

Let go of negative automatic thoughts
When the stresses of everyday life makes itself known or a too negative view of yourself and others dominate your sphere of thought it might be useful to use methods which you try to calm your thinking and learn to let go of these negative, often repeated thoughts, which destroys more than they help. You can use your mindfulness and CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy.

For a single diary of your thoughts life!

A first step to understanding yourself is to reflect on how your thoughts affect your daily life, basically every waking second. Test yourself and try to keep an internal log of how / what / why / when you think:

  • What causes the tanks?
  • What effect is reminiscent of your emotional state?
  • When the tanks affects the emotions?
  • When creating emotions in turn bodily reactions!
  • When the mind is influenced by your surroundings, the environment and the people you meet!
  • When thoughts are rational!
  • When and why new ideas are born from an internal reasoning!
  • When the tanks are repetitions of old negative thought patterns!
  • When the mind seems to only occur of themselves? -
  • there is a sense that lies behind batting
  • with direct impact and creates the idea?
  • How to control your health, your thoughts and feelings?

Self-reflection - changing the thought patterns!

A second step could be to start working more actively with your thoughts. In CBT - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness, Visualization and Mental training is the understanding of how and why you think a certain way very central: You can use different methods as what suits you:

Consider your tanker

Try to consider the thoughts and feelings that arise in your mind objectively in different situations and times of the day. Try to be a detached observer of the thoughts and feelings that caught you. Do not go into them, but simply record what is going on.

Analyze your thoughts

Analyze your thoughts and the feelings they convey afterwards. Was there something in the environment that impacted? Did you get some physical reactions? Where thoughts and feelings good or bad, positive or negative, etc. Do you recognize the thoughts, the thoughts are recurrent, they occur in certain situations?

Transform your thoughts

Decide then if you want to change your thought patterns next time these thoughts occur. It may for example mean that you do not let the thoughts dominate you, but that you are prepared and try to make them die by itself as soon as they arise, by accepting them without letting them control you!

Control your thoughts fully aware

Ends aware constructive thought patterns in various situations involving you need to think, feel and attain. Be observant and predictive. Control your thoughts and feelings more consciously. Use your imagination, thought and feeling in harmony.

Thoughts that are repeated reinforces tanks meaning than more, and until they eventually become realities in your life!

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.


I wonder in what order that our various emotions come from, and where our behavior arises from, and where they come from?

Hello life coach

Sometimes it pops up just different feelings in my body, and sometimes I just do impulsive things without really knowing why I do them.

So I wonder in what order that our various emotions come from, and where our behavior arises from, and where they come from and more?

Thanks for all your wonderful response, and good help you are giving us here.

Mrs. Brown

Hi Mrs. Brown

Your thoughts will always be ahead of your feelings, and before your actions!

When a specific feeling has taken hold within you, it must be born again to a new thought in a few minutes to persist!

Your thoughts are communicating in the body by affecting hormones like norepinephrine, dopamine and others

Left and right brain - personality traits and thoughts

Individually we are considered to be controlled by the left and right brain very different, anything that affects our personality and our habitual thought patterns and emotional responses. The different halves of the brain responsible for various personal characteristics that affect your ability to think. There, the left hemisphere is more connected to logic and the right intuition and interpretation:

Left Brain
Logical thinking
critical thinking
Verbal, language
Fact and knowledge-oriented
Linear thinking, shape bound
reality based
Right Brain
Irrational, random
Empathy, positive feedback
Non-time bound
Subjective, irrational
Synthetic (see picture)
Imaginative and philosophical
Holistic and intuitive thinking
picture Vision
Believe and feel
risk taking
Spatial perseption (see Relations)
Figure: Features and functions connected to the left and right brain.

Test: Clockwise & Counterclockwise
Which brain controls you? see the movie from Harald Sun below.

If the figure spinning clockwise as a bell so the likelihood is that you are controlled by the right brain. Spins the figure counterclockwise, it is the left hemisphere that control.

Try to get the figure to spin the other way than that which is natural to you! According to Yale University in the US, only 14% succeed in this!

Test: Fold your hands
Fold your hands and see which thumb you at the top!

Is the left thumb on top so the likelihood is that you are controlled by the right brain when the right brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa.

In meditation and deep relaxation so balanced halves of the brain and the right brain is usually when slightly more active then for about 10 minutes after the meditation turn into the more dominant left brain takes over again!

Documents and values

Your values are often the basis for your actions (behaviors). Values are often very emotionally charged! The documents to which you aspire is often your personal values and emotional foundation that base, if it is done consciously or unconsciously more. In all social relations, it is also important to recognize the values that guide us! Often you can be very ignorant of these values while they are very tangible for others! By this ranks your own values and learn to understand other people's values, of love and family relationships, at work, among friends, etc. you can create a greater understanding of why you and others act as they do.

Studies have shown that people who are generous and create good deeds increases both their mental strength and physical ability!

Good actions will strengthen your mental ability and physical stamina!

The values ​​that each person is driven by light most often through. Write down the values ​​that are important to you! Prioritize them from the top down.

Examples of values:
Love, Trust, Understanding, Joy, mutual communication, Community, Sexual attraction, Respect, Development, Challenge, Assistance, Freedom, Power, Beauty, A healthy body, Efori, Honesty, Morality, Transparency, Efficiency, Accuracy, cleverness, Motivation, peace and quiet, Curiosity, Creativity, Moving intellect, Spirituality ...

The interpretation of your and other people's values ​​are often subjective. For example, understanding the word to mean different things for you and your partner! Clarify why your own values ​​by talking and describe it in words and feelings.

For successful relationships so you should have common values ​​that are a high priority to succeed best, is especially in love relationships. By gaining insight into how your values ​​guide you, you can also increase the understanding of other people's behavior and learn to adapt to different situations and people in a better way, ie use of more EQ - emotional intelligence. You should strive to understand the values ​​that are important to you and see if they exactly matches your actions! When you shop on your important values, so are you really doing violence to yourself, which is not good! So be observant of how well your actions consistent with your values ​​and change your behavior gradually if it does not.

In the next week, and section I will go through. How your actions (behaviors) will be reflected in your personal values!

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.