
Are all om my worries and my concerns normal or not?


I have often worries and feel worried about different things and can not relax? And I'm still tired, and have a disturbed sleep.

Grateful for answers to what it is, and help on how I can feel better!


Hi Mirjam

Concern now and then is not in itself unhealthy. It is part of how we operate. Under stress, it is normal to be more worried about the big and small things in life.

How do you know if the worry is normal?
- When the unrest is a constant torment speaks of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD. Then jump turmoil around the different areas of life. You're worried about everything possible, not just for a single cause, such as health.

Who suffer from GAD?
- More than 5% are hit by abnormal worry, and there are more women than men who are plagued by excessive concern for years and without understanding that it is about GAD. There is a certain heredity. GAD can be triggered or aggravated by the trauma of divorce and death and so on.

What are the symptoms?
- Anxiety in the form of lump in the stomach, chest tightness, dizziness, sleep disturbances and muscle tension are typical symptoms. And catastrophic thoughts like "What if my child dies in traffic?", "What do my work colleagues really know about me?" And "How should I handle the economy" has often been difficult to make decisions.

Why are you?
- Often you worry about things that other people think are petty, perhaps to keep it really unpleasant gone. With the picture is almost always a depression. Perhaps you fear for what life has become and can not to think about it, focusing instead on concerns about concrete things that are closer in time.

- Concerns can also serve as a way to try to control events. For example: A person who constantly worry that their child will die might instead think "what if she crashes!" And calling and checking all the time. If all goes well think GAD patient "as the turmoil has probably worked anyway."

What is the cure for GAD?
- The studies have shown that therapy is enough for some. Others are good only of antidepressant medication, and some feel best combination. CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, is to find hidden patterns of thinking and getting the brain to think in other courses. By becoming aware and change their negative thought patterns can be good, or at least better.

Can you get completely free from worry?
- Some might be realizing that they can never get rid of worries completely. Then you have to learn to accept it and understand that anxiety is not dangerous. You get the tools to manage the turmoil and anxiety and learn to cope with disaster thoughts. With the help and training they go to keep in check. One technique is micro-breaks, where you stop, take a deep breath, think "relax" and then go on with what you were doing.

I hope it was a response to, and to your concerns and your worries, and you are always welcome to contact me to get private invidual help for your anxiety.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Author and Writer about Mental Health Training and Life Coach Therapist Mr Chris Savage on my various social media channels here.

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