
What happens physically in the body with a very lonely person, without friends and friendship?


I am a very lonely person and have no friends to hang around and do things with.

My questions is what´s can and will happend with my body physically when I have it like this in my life?

I am very thankful for you help och answer.


Hi Miriam

It's sad to read that´s you have it like this in your life, and I hope it will change for you. And here is the answer of your question. 

Involuntary loneliness can affect your health down to the cellular level. Now comes a new study that explains how our body reacts to the feeling of being alone.

Shared joy is double joy, in all cases, according to the proverb. But there is also scientific evidence that it is true. According to previous research, loneliness is an equally large risk factor for premature death as smoking and even a greater risk factor than obesity or physical inactivity.

Now, a new study additionally shows that involuntary loneliness affects our body and health right down to the cellular level. It turns out that our body reacts in much the same way in solitude when it is endangered. The levels of the stress hormone increases as the body's immune system becomes less able to cope with bacterial and viral infections.

In the long term it leads to poorer health and even isolation, it says the researchers behind the new study.

Puts the body in stress mode

In the new study, a group of American researchers studied white blood cells, a type of cell that is involved in protecting the body against bacterial and viral infections. The attempt was made both on humans and rhesus macaques, a type of monkey whose social behavior is similar to that of humans.

By studying the urine and blood samples from both humans and monkeys, researchers were able to conduct a thorough analysis of the levels of white blood cells, and to see the effects on the gene level.

It was found that in both humans and monkeys sat feeling of loneliness running a physiological reaction, a so-called "flight-or-fencing" response, which in itself means danger. The levels of the stress hormone, norepinephrine, while the increased production of white blood cells decreased.

In monkeys resulted in resistance to the virus decreased and they simply became ill when exposed to a contagious virus.

Alone on the savanna dangerous

Peter Strang Professor at the Karolinska Institute and has done research on the psychological effects of loneliness. He believes that the body's response to loneliness may be explained from a historical perspective.

- Historically, the Community has been the human success factor while the involuntary solitude has brought tangible danger because the solitary individual could expect attack on the savannah, by predators or enemies. They had to either flee back to the group's community, or stay behind to fight against the enemy and body prepared for this, says Peter Strang.

Although we live in a society that is far in front hazards on the savanna says Peter Strang that the body's response to loneliness is not so strange.

- Today we are in a new world, often without the physical threat, but our genes are ancient and react as they always had, says Peter Strang.

And 40 % of all sickness and diseases has it´s the ground in different psychological problems people have in a new ended study and report.

By follow the Author and Writer about Mental Health and Life Coach Therapist Mr Chris Savage, and You can ask and send in your questions to me here.

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