
How I should get started to search different jobs and what is required to get a new job and work to do?

Hi coach

I'm unemployed and has been quite some time now.

Now I do not know where to start and how I should get started to search different jobs and what is required.

I hope you can give me a guide on how to proceed and how I should do.

Thanks in advance for your help Mr. Coach!


Hey Matthew

Here I list the 10 best tips and advice for getting a new job.

Here, I offer reading packed with information on how to become better able to search for and get a job! Do not just read the text, follow the tips at once. Try this out, take notes and record the ideas you get while you are reading. Good luck!

1. Think first - then search

Add energy to look for a job you really want. Please do not send application forms to all the job openings you find. The employer notice that you are mechanistically applied and your application exudes enough not to burn to get this job. So start thinking about what you want - and can.

What do you really want? Post time on this, it pays! Start by writing down what you want and then justify why. The phrase also what you do not want.

I like / want / do not want to - why:
  • I want to work with people - I'm crazy about sitting alone in a room for a whole day!
  • I like to help - it makes me feel good, I will be glad of it.
  • I want to work in the supermarket - I like to fix, organize, help people. I enjoy cooking. I'm good at mental arithmetic.
  • I want to work in the clothing store - I love clothes. I like to give people tips on what fits.
  • I do not want to work in health care - Have injection phobia. Can not see the blood. Bad back.
And so on. This list may well be endless. By doing this job, it will become increasingly clear to yourself what you really want. And then it will be easier to do really good applications. For this person, it seems, for example, like a job in the shop, perhaps some of the great food or clothing chains would fit.

Identify yourself - what makes you the one?

Now you need to identify yourself. What do you have that make you the best for the job? Even things that are not job and training can be of great benefit. Of course, for those who are new to the labor market, but also for those with good qualifications. Have you, for example elitidrottat? There are not many who passed by. It testifies that you are persistent, capable of taking instructions and cooperate, and that you are purposeful. It surely impress more on the employer than if you are like 90 percent of other applicants have studied economics.

So make a list of your experiences and characteristics. And to think through what the employer may have the advantage of it.

Something like this: (done = benefit for the employer)

Read economic program at high school = Takes economy. Understand that the store needs to sell a lot to turn a profit.

Gone Computer Basics, programming = Unafraid of-sale et c, easy to learn.

Worked at Wild Strawberry Café 6 months = Can checkout. Good service, picking, loading.

Worked in telesales 1 year 2 months = Easy to connect with people, can sell.

Has worked in kindergarten two years = Stress-can do five things at once.

Trained handball 7 years and trainer for the F-98 = Team player, leadership, take responsibility, do not give up, Win.

Powered kiosk at all handball matches = Good at mental arithmetic.

Blogs about clothes, makeup, etc. = Passionate about fashion, my friends are asking for tips, always rock track.

Cat breeders = Can be one thing that stands out and shows commitment. But can also make you appear as 'crazy cat lady'. As curiosity information manage care!

Take it all!

In this situation, you should make a comprehensive list. Do not censor. Bring everything you can think of, big and small. Here are the grains of gold. It's the next step we cull out what should be in your application. Please ask someone familiar how they perceive you, it may be instructive.

2. How do others see you?

A good way to figure out what you are good at is to ask the others: what do they think are your best qualities? What do they think you would be fit to work with?

It can be quite surprised when you check with others how they perceive one. Ask your friends, someone F.D. boss or teacher that you have good contact with to describe you. Say you are developing yourself to get what you really want to work with. Ask them, for example, answer the questions:
  • How would you describe me as a person?
  • What is my best side?
  • What do you think I ought to develop?
It can be an exciting conversation or message that evokes new ideas!

3. Fill in the gaps quickly

Is it something that employers lack in your track record? Grasp it and fill the knowledge gap again! If you are unemployed, you may be able to get a labor market training through the Employment Service. Check with your employment or job coach.

On our site you will find all the courses and programs we offer. They are designed to fit you are unemployed and need to fill in the knowledge gaps quickly. They are mostly about 3-12 weeks and often contain even practice.

4. Looking for a job is also a job

Get routines. Step up in time. Get dressed. Go to the "office" (even if it happens to be your kitchen table right now). Check job postings, call around and see if anyone you know have heard of someone seeking. Being unemployed is tough, and it's too easy to lose both the confidence and pace. Keep in mind that the majority of people are unemployed at some time in their lives.

But if you keep going, doing "as they should", you will get the job you want sooner or later!

And you already have a job, but unhappy and want another: you must also make arrangements for how to keep the search. Otherwise, you might sit there for the next Christmas party, too, and wondering how it went for another year. Decide, for example, that you should search the web for all job openings that fit one night a week?

Much is a mental issue. It tends to have a large effect talking about looking for a job. For friends, on Facebook (if you do not already have a job), and when you meet someone new contact that may be a key to the new job.

5. Make your resume as a movie trailer about you

There is no standard for how to make a resume. But imagine the film. You know how a movie trailer can make you crave to go see the movie. Just then a good resume work.

Some say that a résumé should be like a table of contents. If you just rattles off all you've done is it's not exactly a fun movie trailer. It may well contain the usual headlines, but it can look a bit anyway. Make it like a newspaper, print it on a t-shirt, or neatly in black and white on A4 paper.

It all depends on the job you want and how you are. But do not forget this, that the CV and letter must make the recruiter eager to "see the movie", that is to say - see you.

Therefore, you should ideally have a photo of yourself. The company does not want to see if you are good looking enough. They want to get a sense of who and what you are. If you do not have a photo, and everyone else has the Saar is a clear disadvantage for you, even if your resume is good in general. So bring one where you smile and look sympathetic and. And you, no holiday pictures from playa! The employer wants you to work, do not slack!

Good cv-headings:
  • Personal data
  • Aims
  • Personal profile
  • Work
  • Training
  • Courses
  • Other qualifications / or Non-Profit
  • Language skills
  • Computer skills
  • References

6. See CV today's outfit

When you apply for a job - think through what it is the kind of business? For it is as if you were at a party. You choose the just out there to suit. Should the baptisms or New Year's party as well? So - do not bring anything in your application. You often hear the Council that a résumé should be a table of contents of all you've done. It is not true, we can firmly assert after working on this for over twenty years. An employer wants to read only what is relevant for her. Otherwise, she loses interest immediately.

Imagine that you go to a party. What are you wearing? Well, not the whole wardrobe, then it will be guaranteed wrong. You customize the up to what it is sort of party, right. So who is your employer? Baptisms, 30 birthday party or wedding?

This affects everything from how to search, how to formulate in the CV and cover letter, how to conduct yourself in the interview and how to follow it up.

7. When you googled yourself last?

More than one in three employers googling potential candidates they are considering hiring. Therefore, it is important that you have an eye on the picture given by you on the internet and how you can influence it. If you have not Googled yourself in a long time - do it!

How does the picture look like? Is the search results about you? Do you think the results provide an accurate and relevant picture of you? Do you know how you can influence your Google results? Just be aware that search results adapts according to how you usually seek so it may be a good idea to clear your browser to get a completely clean result.

Here conditions as different depending on whether you have a name that you are alone or if there are many named the same as you. The more common your name, the more competitive it is to be among the top search results.

You can never fully control how your search results will look like, but with some knowledge of how Google works, you can influence and thus make it easier for people seeking information about you to find the things you want them to find.

The basic principle is that it is good to be active online. The more you publish, the more likely it is your information that the employer can find. You can rarely affect things that others have published, if it does not involve direct illegal actions, so focus instead on your own information to become more visible and available than the other found items.

Many blog services and social networks are created so that Google will easily find the information they publish. By creating a presence on these sites improves to remain significantly their ability to be found through Google.

A minimum level for a person looking for a job is to have a current and updated profile of the job-related social network LinkedIn. Many recruiters, especially in the IT, media and communications industry, actively use LinkedIn in their work to match candidates against the job so why should you invest in there.

Want to get better control of your search results, it is also a good idea to be on several social networking sites. Because Facebook is greatest, it is reasonable to prioritize presence there, and after that select the network from outside interests. Do you like to shoot friends maybe Flickr or Instagram you good, I like to talk and discuss maybe Twitter is a good option for you.

Do you like to write, it might be a good idea to start a blog. Using happily finished bloggvertyg as WordPress or Blogger when they are free, easy to get started and quickly high up when you google. Remember that you can blog about completely different things than your job should be about. If you are looking for a job as a logistician, and has a pleasant and informative blog about your garden, so it still provides the employer an idea of how you are as a person. Are you hard working and well organized in your garden, so one can assume that you have similar properties on the job too. Are you creative and original in the way you write about your gardening, it gives a good idea of how you will be on the job.

You do not need to do anything. Select the person or platforms you like and try them. Are you just reasonably decent and frequently it will you post to rank high when someone searches for your name.

8. Most available jobs are hidden job

Your network is bigger than you think. All have a network. Many jobs are never advertised out. Scan your own network, you may not need to answer a single ad! Or take the help of a job coach with a good network.

There are plenty of jobs out there that are never advertised. Many employers do not want to advertise - for they have so much to do that they do not have time to take care of all the responses received. Call around to the companies you want to work on. Ask to speak to the person who is most responsible and hear if they need people.

Read the newspaper; the company is doing well in your area? There is a big chance that they need people too.

Maybe it's time to make a career change? Some have never aware that they can work with their hobby. Are you a truck driver and insanely interested in gardening? Or cars? Maybe you should ask if they need people the next time you shop at your Blomsterlandet or auto parts store, especially if you are tjenis with the staff?

9. Watch the interview as a date

Keep in mind that the interview is not an interrogation. Think of it as a first date to see where you'll see if you fit together. Prepare for the classic interview questions.

Many are looking forward to the job interview like against a third degree police interrogation. But take it easy! Remember that the employer will probably need you desperately! In any case if you are the right person. And that is exactly what the interview is for.

So prepare yourself well. Then also reduces nervousness. Look up the company. Not sure what to wear? What do you think they have style? Can you find someone who knows someone who works there, who can come up with some info?

10. Get a good coach 

A coach like me here. Helps you to get what you really want to do, and a plan for how to get there. You get help to network, learn how to write CVs and lots of other useful information.

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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