
How I should do to find the motivation to change me, and live a healthier, wealthier and more productive life?

Hello Mr. Life Coaching

I find it hard to find the motivation to change me, and how I should do to live a healthier life?

I do not feel well today. Because I mostly sit still and lazing in front of the TV and check on the mobile phone the whole day long.

I know I had been feeling much better of a healthier life. But I can not find the motivation to get started with it, and change my routine in my everyday life.

I hope that you as a Life Coach can help me and give me some good tips and advice. How I will find the motivation to change my everyday life and my life to a more healthy, wealthier and productive life.


Hi Hedda

I've done an interview with Sport magazine about motivation, and how to get started with a healthier life, and what to do if it fails. You can find the full interview as I have done here:

Find motivation!

You like to eat a little better and practice some more - yet it will not be off. Do you recognize yourself? Then you need health and life coach best motivation tips and advice here. To start your new and healthier lives, and that begins now for you.

Want to be more alert, happier, healthier and better looking? Then you know that exactly how you should do. Eat better, sleep properly and exercise regularly. Although it is crystal clear, it may be difficult to jump on the train towards a healthier life.

- The biggest advantage to live a little healthier is that you get much more energy! You also get better health, stronger immune system, better chance to achieve and maintain your ideal weight and as a bonus, you see younger and more beautiful than if you live unhealthy. You also reduce many disease risks and are more likely to live a long and healthy life, says health coach, nutrition advisor, PT and author.

How should I do to "start" with my healthier life?

- Just start! Maybe it sounds a little too easy but many exaggerate it makes a healthy life for a huge project. They want to change everything at once, which is so overwhelming that they shot it in place to begin. My tip is to start with the training. Walk, run, dance, strength training or do anything else you like, and you will see that it will get easier and easier once the ball is rolling. Would you rather start with the diet you put more nutritious food and reduce it useless. Regardless of which end you start, it is usually the one affecting the other, then you start to exercise regularly you will soon find that you also eat more healthily and when you start to add more good on the plate so usually result in more energy and desire to take hold of the workout also.

What is important if I want to start caring more about my health?

- Food, sleep and exercise. Move! Increase your intake of vegetables and plant-based diet while reducing sugar and junk food. Drink enough water. Also be sure to get good sleep and recovery time. Please do breathing exercises and try to reduce your stress level.

If I failed several times to eat better and exercise more, how do I get the spark to actually do it this time?

- By looking forward rather than backward. Stop dwelling on past failures and recognize that today is a new day. Learn from your past mistakes. Did you perhaps out too hard, had an "all or nothing" approach regarding diet or was it that you did not get the results fast enough? Forget 'quick fix' units and focus on creating a healthy lifestyle you now and forever instead. Reward happy every step in the right direction. Be kind to yourself, small slips are more the rule than the exception, and if you get a bit wrong so start afresh rather than to bury you.

Sometimes it is easy to start but difficult to continue. How do I keep motivated?

- When you are just getting started with your healthier life and beginning to see all the wonderful benefits you get to take care of you, it will increase your motivation and give you more inspiration and curiosity to continue your health journey. That is why it is important to find an exercise that you enjoy doing, otherwise it is easy, just enough to hold on to it for a short period rather than a part of your new lifestyle.

How should I think about current diet?

- Just the same, it is important that you find a diet that suits you and that you both enjoy and feel good. It is unlikely that you will want to count calories or energy per cent for life. By contrast, to eat a colorful, tasty and organic food with good ingredients is something that you can hold in the long run. Boost you with inspiration, read health blogs, have role models and get yourself to a PT or health coach.

Can you share some tricks on how I eat healthier without thinking about it?

- Focus on adding more good things on the plate. By adding more good so it automatically becomes less of it that are less good. Revel in green and colorful food from the plant kingdom - think simply because you want more color on the plate! Choose organic when you shop and replace regular coffee to tastier and healthier raw food snacks. Have lemon or lime in your water and make sure to drink before meals rather than with meals or after, it improves digestion.

When it's time to get professional help?

- If you know you should start living healthier but simply do not get it yourself. It can also be a good location if you want better results compared to what you received in the current situation, even though you made the changes you can yourself. One reason is also if you want to get the best possible help with everything from diet and exercise to new mental approach. To gain a healthy lifestyle is an investment in your life. By getting professional help, you can also learn lots of new things in training and diet that you use for the rest of your life and not just to get into your favorite jeans. - But it's a nice bonus to have a personal life coach as such you, and that can help to bring balance to everything in life!

You can ask and send in your questions to me here! And You can also follow me the Mr Chris Savage as Mental Health Life Coach Therapist and Artist, Author, Photographer, Writer on my various social media channels here.

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